The Host Wiki

At last the day has come ! Today is the birth day of The Host Wiki and it is 4 years old now.


This wiki was created by Alice123456789 at 06:49, April 29, 2009.

I am only 1 month and 9 days old on this wiki ( joined on 20 March, 2013) and I am actually still an infant now !  I am trying my best to not show my immaturity but I've failed sometimes. I was really upset when I saw the condition of this wiki at first. But now, I am glad that it has got some responsible shoulders to take care of it.

I don't know my knowledge about editing is enough or not, I just know that I can try to use it enough at least . I don't think that I am much talented or experienced on many wikis but I only can trust on my labour and will for helping a wiki. And I really don't know if this wiki needs me or not but I am sure that I honestly want this wiki to be improved . I believe more in my labour than

Birth Day Cakes for The Host Wiki

Birth Day Cakes !!!

my talent, because the talent will only be useful when I put some real labour.

Many boring words have already been written here but it's too late for me to realize ! It will really hurt me to erase them as you know it is very hard to destroy own creation, ( well, it's not that much of a creation actually ! :D ) . So, sorry for your boredom anyway. Now, it's time to write about celebration !!!

How can we celebrate the 4th birth day of this wiki? It's really a burning question of which answer I don't know. I haven't discussed it with anyone else here before because I was afraid if they thought it was not that much important to focus on . (Well, it was not the real reason I guess, I was actually a bit nervous about starting the discussion ! )

Do you have any other suggestion? You can share it here !
